The Most Common Nightmares Parents Have About Their Kids & Why They Happen

When you wake up from a dream that’s particularly frightening or anxiety-provoking, it can be tough to ease yourself back into a restful sleep. Stress dreams are common, but for parents, having bad dreams about your child can be especially upsetting. Dreaming about your child getting hurt or being in danger can feel so real and even traumatic, but experts agree that it can be helpful to learn what bad dreams about your child mean and how you can cope when they happen. "It's certainly common for

Experts Explain How Long A Miscarriage Can Last & Why The Length Of Time Varies

In the midst of a traumatic experience, it’s common (and absolutely normal) to wonder when the pain will end. When that experience is pregnancy loss, the physical and emotional toll can feel insurmountable and never-ending. But, exactly how long does a miscarriage last? Though the timing can vary, understanding the process can help you cope. How long does a miscarriage last? A miscarriage can last a few hours, days, weeks, and sometimes up to a month or more, but the timing varies from person

Yes, It's Possible To Have A Miscarriage Without Bleeding. An OB Explains

In the earliest days of each of my pregnancies, I checked my underwear for any sign of blood every time I went to the bathroom. Worried about having a miscarriage, I knew bright red could be a sign of pregnancy loss, but was unaware that other signs of miscarriage may appear first. Questions about a pregnancy’s viability are common, especially in the first trimester, and especially before you’ve had your first ultrasound. Knowing whether or not you can have a miscarriage without bleeding can hel

Here's What You Need To Know About Going Into Labor While You're Sound Asleep

One of my worst fears during my first pregnancy was not knowing when and where I would go into labor. Can you go into labor sleeping? Would I be at the grocery store casually picking out the bananas when my water breaks with a gush all over the floor of the produce section? Would I be at work, typing away my frustrations about working up to the very end of a grueling pregnancy as the contractions hit? I couldn't stop thinking about waking up in labor. But is that a thing? Can you go into labor w

Everything You Need To Know About How An Anterior Placenta Affects Your Birth Plan

When you’re pregnant, your placenta is your baby’s lifeline. This vital organ develops inside of the uterus and is attached to baby’s umbilical cord until after birth. The placenta is so important, in fact, that the direction of your entire birth plan can hinge on its location. If you have an anterior placenta and your heart is set on a specific delivery method, you may be curious if an anterior placenta means a C-section is now part of your baby’s birth. How do I know if I have anterior placen

Dear NICU Parents: Your Baby Isn't Lonely In The NICU, Promise

A hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a place no parent wants their baby to be unless absolutely necessary. Babies typically enter the NICU within the first hours or days after birth, and watching your fresh-from-the-womb newborn leave the safety of your care can be daunting. When a stint in the NICU is the best option for a baby’s health and safety, parents will undoubtedly have a lot of questions. Babies being alone in the NICU is a top concern for parents, so it can be reassurin

Everything You Need To Know About Using Sex As A Natural Labor Induction

From old standbys like eating spicy foods to the awkward balancing act that is curb walking, there are a plenty of things that pregnant people try when they’re ready to induce labor naturally. One of the most tried and true DIY ways to kickstart your baby’s birth, though, is to head to the bedroom. (Or the couch, kitchen table, floor, etc. After months of pregnancy, you’re not picky.) But exactly how does sex induce labor? There are a few details to note if you’re ready to try this route. From w

What You Need To Know About Bleeding After Pregnancy Sex

Sex during pregnancy can be described in many different ways — strange, awkward, exhilarating, exhausting. But no matter how you look at it, having sex while you're pregnant can also come with a lot of questions. One of the biggest concerns pregnant people may have is whether or not bleeding after sex while pregnant is normal. Even though there are plenty of reasons for spotting, post-sex blood can be especially concerning for those who are expecting. If you’re questioning the safety of pregnan

Wonder If Your C-Section Scar Is Healing Properly? Here's What To Look For

I had no idea what to expect following my first unplanned cesarean birth. Though my primary concern was my baby’s well-being, I also worried about how recovering from a C-section would impact my body. Today, I’m proud to bear the permanent mark on my abdomen where both of my sons made their entrance into the world, but going through the different C-section scar healing stages was a true learning experience. How do I know if my C-section scar is healing properly? Though the timing can vary from

When Trying To Conceive Sex Gets Too Robotic, Try These Tips

Sex can be described in many ways — exhilarating, sensual, wonderful, thrilling. But when the end goal of the act is to make a baby, sometimes those adjectives just go right out the window, leaving you to wonder how to make sex exciting when you're trying to conceive. Is it even possible between all of the scheduling and timing and testing? Will your sex life ever feel sexy again? “Scheduled sex is inevitable if you’re trying to conceive. Unfortunately, this arrangement can cause undue stress f

A Guide To Trying To Conceive & The COVID-19 Vaccine

The decision to have a baby is one that can come with an incredible amount of uncertainty. Trying to conceive during a global pandemic probably means you have even more questions about health and safety than ever before. Wondering if the COVID-19 vaccine is safe if you're trying to conceive is likely a top concern for many who hope to become pregnant. "The COVID-19 vaccine used by Pfizer and Moderna uses a new technology, and unfortunately pregnant women were not included in the research trials

Vaccinated People Don't Need Masks Outside, But Where Does That Leave Parents?

If you’re vaccinated, but your kids are not, you probably have some questions about how to handle certain situations — playdates, outdoor events, and school functions, just to name a few. And the new CDC mask guidelines, while good news, also mean parents are having to figure out more solutions. Parenting was hard enough BC (before COVID) but now, it’s a whole new ballgame. While having a vaccine available for all adults marks a promising turn, there are still plenty of precautions to take to pr

Covid Vaccines For Kids Are Coming Sooner Than We Thought — Here's What To Know

We’re officially in year two of the COVID-19 pandemic, and despite early warnings that vaccines could take years to develop, there are now three approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use in adults. The CDC reports that 133 million doses have already been administered. So when will it be approved for kids? Older teens are already eligible in some areas. The Pfizer vaccine has been authorized for use in people ages 16 and older, and the Moderna vaccine is approved

It's Time To Talk About the Vaccine Infertility Myth

Prioritizing your personal health and safety during a global pandemic is non-negotiable. But when you’re trying to conceive — or thinking about the future and your fertility — things can get complicated. The COVID-19 vaccines have been shown to be both very effective and very safe, but misconceptions and myths about how vaccines affect fertility have some people with lingering concerns about getting it. (Spoiler alert: If you feel that fear, you’re not alone, but there’s no evidence that you hav

Everything You Need To Know About Postpartum Sex Pain

Pregnancy sex gets a lot of attention, but post-baby sex is a completely different world to navigate. Whether you’re ready to jump back into the sack immediately after giving birth or you want to wait a while, when you do decide to go for it, postpartum sex pain can happen. “Damage to the vaginal tissue during birth, along with postpartum hormone changes, can cause pain during sex, but it doesn’t happen to everyone,” birth educator and doula Sara Lyon tells Romper. “With patience and attention,

Maternal Mental Health Story Bank Helps Foster Connection, & It's Exactly What New Moms Need

I had postpartum depression. Twice. The symptoms manifested differently from my first birth to my second, and long story short, it was much harder to find the proper support from medical professionals the second time around. Maternal mental health (MMH) is a topic that is not new and not rare, but raising awareness about the maternal mental health disorders, which are the top complication of childbirth, is of the utmost importance. Enter Joy Burkhard, founder of 2020 Mom, who recently launched

8 Breast Cancer Myths Debunked By Breast Surgeons

This October, you'll likely see a flurry of pink products pushed by retailers to raise awareness for breast cancer. While I love a good pink hat or bracelet, understanding how breast cancer impacts the population is crucial to raising awareness — as is debunking breast cancer myths that spread misinformation. With the exception of skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society, and there is approximately a 1-in